Tess Martin: Slices in time



Die Installation der Künstlerin aus Seattle/USA besteht aus 12 grossen Schablonen, die ein papierenes Diorama bilden, und so die in Animationsfilmen omnipräsente Ebenenthematik widerspiegeln: Zeitebenen (mindestens 12 Bilder/Sekunde), Artworkebenen (Multiplantechnik), Bewegungsebenen (Einzelbildtechnik).

Am 1.3.2014 präsentiert die Künstlerin anlässlich ihres Vortrags beim Animationssymposium „Under the radar“ im Raum D/quartier21 persönlich ihre Ausstellung.

Slices in Time from Tess Martin on Vimeo.

Tess Martin is an animator who is inspired by materials, and has made films in sand, cut-outs, paint, ink and markers. She enjoys letting the audience in on how the films were made, and therefore the process of creation is often evident in her work. Themes of her films have included memory, relationships, human-animal communication, the environment, and politics. For this installation she has created a diorama which evokes the various layers often present in animation – layers of time, comprised by at least twelve images per second; layers of artwork, often animated on different sheets of glass on a multiplane, or layers of movement, expressed one frame at a time.The installation is complemented by her presentation on March 1 as part of the Animation Symposium „Under the radar“ at MuseumQuartier, where you will get a chance to see some of her diverse films.